
Our outreach team engages with people experiencing homelessness, who are disconnected from available resources. They may be living on the streets, in cars, in the bushes, or in emergency shelters. We assist them in accessing health, housing and social services. Even if we can’t get them into shelter right away, we follow up with them, keeping in regular contact as we work together toward permanent housing.
The housing team provides financial assistance for individuals and families in need. Our Case Managers walk through the process to ensure a smooth transition from homelessness into permanent housing. With Rapid Rehousing, it is our goal to help them obtain permanent housing as quickly as possible, using a Housing First approach. This means we eliminate barriers to housing, such as sobriety requirements. After they are housed, we help them to develop a support network and connection to the community.

Family Life Center operates and partners with other organizations to provide emergency shelter. We prioritize shelter based on vulnerability and need. Our shelters serve as a stepping stone to permanent housing.
While Prevention targets people at imminent risk of homelessness, Diversion targets people as they are applying for entry into shelter.
According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, Diversion is a strategy that prevents homelessness for people seeking shelter by helping them identify immediate alternate housing arrangements and, if necessary, connecting them with services and financial assistance to help them return to permanent housing. Diversion programs can reduce the number of families becoming homeless, the demand for shelter beds, and the size of program wait lists.

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